A Variety of Containers Filled With Slimy Substances and Other Peculiarities

In my free time, I like to dabble in a bit of classical piano music composing. In an effort to protest against the ​nondescript titles of prominent classical music, such as Prélude no. 4 or Canon in D, and to reflect the quality of the product, I have chosen my own, unique naming scheme. Please enjoy, but don't take it too seriously :)

Bucket of Mud (2013) Artist name
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Pail of Ooze (2017) Artist name
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Allembic of Alluvium (2018) Artist name
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Tupperware of Topsoil (2020) Artist name
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Goblet of Glop (2020) - UNAVAILABLE Artist name
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Decanter of Dung (2021) Artist name
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Flowerpot of Fondue (2021) Artist name
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Other Peculiarities

Angelbach (2011) Artist name
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Second Song (2012) Artist name
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The Reef (2014) Artist name
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Percession (2015) Artist name
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Moonlight Mushrooms (2016) Artist name
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The Finger (2019) - UNAVAILABLE Artist name
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Symphony of Sixties (2022) Artist name
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